An important tool we have today against climate change, which we want to share with you, is the carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. The latest developments in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology create opportunities that promise not only ecological conservation but also economic prosperity: Carbon capture and storage technology has evolved by leaps and bounds, ushering in a new era of innovation and efficiency. Our innovative solutions not only address carbon emissions, but also the challenges and expectations of modern businesses.

Highlights of the business model:

  • Carbon utilization and value creation:

Existing state-of-the-art CCS technologies not only capture carbon, but also turn it into a resource. Through chemical processes, captured CO2 is intelligently harnessed to produce valuable, carbon-neutral by-products such as the production of fuels, chemicals and materials, thereby opening new avenues for monetization and sustainable development.

  • Integration with renewable energy sources:

The CCS facility works with renewable energy sources, offsetting energy needs and demonstrating a commitment to clean energy integration.

  • Financial viability:

The Hellenic Green Horizon CCS project serves as proof of the profitability of CCS efforts. The business model combines revenues from CO2 capture and sequestration, emission credit trading and strategic partnerships to generate attractive returns on investment.

  • Technological Innovation:

The project uses state-of-the-art Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology, a technology that allows carbon capture from the atmosphere itself. This innovation has broad implications for industries seeking sustainable solutions beyond conventional emission sources.

  • Future expansion:

As the CCS market matures and gains momentum, the success of the project provides a blueprint for future expansions, both in Greece and beyond, further cementing the long-term value proposition.


Next steps: Your role in leading sustainability

As discerning investors and visionary leaders, your participation in the Hellenic Green Horizon CCS project not only promises lucrative returns but also cements your position as champions of sustainable progress. By aligning with this venture, you contribute to Greece's journey towards